Thursday, February 19, 2009

Girl Scout Cookie Catastrophie and Reaching Beyond Your Comfort Zone

OK, this is never the news you want to hear:

Dear Neighbor,

I regret to inform you that I will be unable to fill your Girl Scout cookie order that you placed about 1 month ago. The cookie mom lost my order form and therefore I have no record of what anyone ordered. I apologize for the disappointment of not getting your annual Girl Scout cookies and any inconvenience. Hopefully you will place orders next year and this won't happen again.


Your dear Girl Scout

Luckily, she is a dear little friend of mine and I totally understand. I didn't need the calories anyways...I'll just say it's God's way of telling me that! LOL! :)

Next, my dad sent me a little Valentine's gift that was so cool! It's a wall tile that says, "If you keep reaching outside your comfort zone, you'll make it!"

Then the little tag on it had this great little reminder:

Comfort Zone

Most of us spend our time
Neatly tucked away,
All safe-and-sound, in our tidy little lives.
It's not that we don't long for a change,
It's just that sometimes we get so busy
And caught up in the thick-of-thin-things,
That we forget how to really live.
Everything in our lives
Begins to take on a shade of gray.

That's when it's time to bust loose,
Abandon all fears and push ourselves
Out of our comfort zones
Into the magical, mystical,
Uncharted territory called
Oh, sure, it will be hard at first.
You may even get bumped back a few times.
But in the end, it will be worth it.
Because if you keep on reaching,
One of these days you'll make it,
And nothing will ever be the same again!

I shall bid you all farewell. Enjoy your weekend!

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