Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another transition....could it be?

Well, the pattern continues! I am going to accept a position at my previous school (fall 08) to be an RTI tutor....basically an in-school tutor. The job is only until May 15th but that works for me. I have enjoyed my two weeks off and will feel good having some steady income. I think it will be a good experience and am excited!

Other than that, I've celebrated my "little" brother's 13th birthday this week and have learned a lot about who I am and what I have to look forward to in life.

Have a blessed Easter!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Yea! So excited about your job!!! When do you start??

I would love for you to fly you down here...if only money grew on my trees. If you were coming here maybe it would just motivate me to clean my house myself...ha ha. But I could use any organizing tips that you'd like to pass my way!

Love you girl!