Saturday, March 21, 2009

The past few weeks

I know its been a long time since I posted on my dearly beloved blog. I honestly can't tell you where the last few weeks have gone. Last weekend, my sister stayed over for most of the weekend and we just hung out, relaxed, had a nice little spiral mac-n-cheese dinner with applesauce followed by a decadent dessert--orange cinnamon rolls! :) We washed it down with pink lemonade that we found at Wally World! :) (Picture to come!)

This past week, I was totally engrossed in getting my students ready for their Family Celebration program. They did some speaking, singing and reciting of poems. We had completed 5 large projects for the parents to see after the show so it was a lot of preparation. The students did an amazing job and pulled it out with none of the kinks we had in rehearsal. The parents and grandparents and other family members were SOOO AMAZED!!!!!!!!! My class also gave me a dozen beautiful roses. I shall post a picture of them here when I get one made. I will probably do it today but I don't know when I'll be able to post it.

This week is my last week and then I'll be on my way. I'm going to be observed by my principal and I have an interview with my previous boss for another long term position beginning in May.

After all the craziness this week, I'm going to run a 5K on Saturday for the first time in probably a decade! I have only been training since last Monday...oops! I ran/walked for about 35 min last Monday and then today I ran for 17 minutes straight. I wasn't fast but all I WANT out of this race is to finish it. Then each race after that will push me to gain more and more speed and run more "efficiently". Have a blessed week ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


didlake said...

You're going to rock out that 5K. The road won't even know what hit it.

Kate said...

I hope that your interview goes well! And your 5k too!!!

Love you!