Sunday, March 1, 2009

Praying for the Future

I have only 4 weeks left at my current job. This would be a sufficient enough reason for anyone to freak out given the current state of many people's current job situation but its going to be my 4th job transition in 8 months. I, as of now, am not totally freaked out and have a sense of peace in that people have told me they will request me as a sub during the month of April until I can hopefully get in one of the maternity leaves at my previous school. I know I will be fine until the summer, no matter what happens, I will be employed. It's more the summer and beyond that concerns me. Today in Sunday School we talked about how God often closes doors and I'm really hoping that He's not closing this door so quickly. I'm trying to seek His direction for my life but sometimes its hard when so much is at stake. I don't think it's that I'm worried about my current "lifestyle" disappearing but more so my ability to give and care for others. I love taking someone out to coffee or buying them a little trinket to brighten their day. I also sponsor a child through World Vision--a life-changing experience--so check out how you can do it too: HERE. Sponsoring my child would probably be the last thing I would give up if I had to "cut" something from my budget. I can't say that everything else in my life is more important than providing a child half way around the world with the basic necessities that I enjoy every day. No matter how stripped down my lifestyle has to be, it's much more than she'll probably ever know in her lifetime. Who am I hat I deserve all that I have? I'm a sinner that fails and doesn't deserve what I have! I'm praying for the next step in this journey and I hope you will join me too! :)

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