Saturday, September 10, 2011

Miracle of Life

Started a month and a half ago:

Right now, I am watching a 5 day old baby. Recently, I have really been thinking about the unknown nature of our lives and how much time we have on this earth. It started with a comment/sermon that I recently heard. The comment that really made an impression on me was my pastor did not want to stand at God's throne saying, "but I thought I had so much more time." the rewality is we do not know exactly how much time we really do have. We need to make the most of our time as best we can.

This summer I have been not the best steward of my time and I now have a ton of regret about how I have spent a good portion of my summer. It hit me yesterday as I realized I spent a good portion of the afternoon clearing out my email inbox and not enjoying the best weather we've had in weeks.


Needless to say, I am always amazed at God's creation and the miracle of newborn life!!!!!!!!

Since I wrote the first part, I have really been a lot better about using my time a little more wisely...not that I've had a lot of "free time" to manage but when I do, I've been better. It's a work in progress and I do not want to leave this Earth tomorrow and say, "wait...I didn't get to finish..." Life is meant to be lived to it's fullest. God has a purpose for each and every one of us. Are you living God's purpose for your life? Each new life has a purpose too!

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