Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Looking Back on La Paz

This morning I awoke and found that students from GEBC serving in La Paz had updated the blog and pictures had been posted. As I read the students words, I couldn't help but remember my time as I entered a world unknown to me last summer as I, along with many others, led a group of students into the unknown of La Paz and have a yearning in my heart that makes me wish I was there with them...even if it's hotter than it is here right now. My adventure last year was like none I'd ever experienced. You can read about it here. (It's long...) Something welled up inside of me as I browsed the pictures, saw my sister, many students that went with me last year, places I knew, and some of the amazing fellow leaders that I worked with. My heart loved La Paz differently than it's loved other places. I look back on the different mission trips I've experienced both as a student and a leader...each one was so unique and even when I was in the same place more than once, it certainly wasn't the same. There will probably never be a time when I know exactly why La Paz was so different but some of the reasons are irrefutable:
  • It was my first time leading a trip outside the US.
  • It was only my second time leading a trip but I wasn't the main leader in charge, see here for a taste of that experience.
  • My sister and I were there together although I was not in her room and I worked most closely with other girls.
  • God taught me a lot about patience with one of my best friends and how to love him despite my utter frustration with him at times.
  • God began a restoration of that same friendship and allowed us to have some very special moments that I'll never forget and always cherish in my heart.
  • Although I had very little, some might say practically no(ne), Spanish speaking skills, I was able to grow more in one week than I had in my one semester in college (a whole other story you can ask about later).
  • God changed my heart and I'm confident that God has a plan far greater than any I could ever imagine for myself.
As I impatiently await the arrival of my sister and the other students to come home, I have to remember that God has them there for a reason. Just as he had me not help lead this trip for a reason, and I think I'm starting to see why.

1 comment:

Marci W said...

Hey Danielle,
I'm a bit impatient to see my dad and everyone I haven't seen in a while too. What we can do now is pray and encourage them when they return. :) I wish I could see the improvements of the ranch in person though.
Love you!