Friday, October 1, 2010

Finding HOPE

I just finished reading a good friend's blog. The last year has been a very difficult and then exciting journey for her and her husband. Her latest post shares her hope in even her deepest time of sorrow for them. Its such an encouragement to see how God has worked in their lives over the past year and drawn them closer to Him. As many of you know, I've recently gone through a difficult situation where God left me completely dependent on Him to be my Healer and Strength. There has been a passage that has stuck out to me through the time I've been struggling and its Romans 12. Verse 12 says "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer". God has been using this as a wonderful reminder that even in the midst of something painful and watching those hurt me continue on, I need to love them and be praying for them and to have HOPE! This I must always remember: "God sent His Son to the cross to bear His wrath for sinners like you and me." - C.J. Mahaney in Living the Cross Centered Life

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